Resident data ends at 3e34, program starts at 3e34, file ends at 12a04 Starting analysis pass at address 3e31 End of analysis pass, low address = 3e34, high address = 1175c [Start of text] S001: "THE NIGHT OF THE VAMPIRE BUNNIES" S002: "An Interactive Adventure By Jason Dyer Reconstructed in Inform by Patrick Kellum" S003: "970405" S004: "6/5" S005: "a" S006: "---" S007: "the" S008: "The " S009: "the " S010: "a " S011: "The " S012: "the " S013: "an " S014: "The " S015: "the " S016: "some " S017: "The " S018: "the " S019: "some " S020: "N = next subject" S021: "P = previous" S022: " Q = resume game" S023: "Q = previous menu" S024: "RETURN = read subject" S025: "Score: " S026: "Moves: " S027: "Time: " S028: "You can't go that way." S029: "your former self" S030: "yourself" S031: "Darkness" S032: "those things" S033: "that" S034: " or " S035: "nothing" S036: " is" S037: " are" S038: "is " S039: "are " S040: " and " S041: "whom " S042: "which " S043: "Volker Blasius" S044: "" S045: "You can't go that way!" S046: "INFO " S047: "It is carved of marble." S048: "You are in a graveyard surrounded by walls. There is fog here so dense you can barely see 2 meters in front of you. A hole in the east wall allows exit from this gloomy place." S049: "You are in a graveyard with a stream to the south. Walls surround the other directions, but a hole in the west wall allows passage. It is very cool here." S050: "It has a pole connected to some rope and a wooden crank. The well is dark and empty." S051: "It is cracking, but usable." S052: "It has many holes in it." S053: "It doesn't look very sturdy." S054: "It is too far away to get a good look at." S055: "You are in a carrot field in the middle of a graveyard. Fog is all around you. A wall is to the north, too high to climb." S056: "You are in a foggy graveyard. A stream is to the north, a field can be seen to the west, and all the rest only fog can be seen. The stream looks shallow enough to cross." S057: "You are at the bottom of an empty well. The surrounding cracks are rather big, and a crevice to the south is big enough for you to go through. A rope hangs down allowing you to climb up." S058: "It doesn't look very sturdy." S059: "It is full of cracks." S060: "It is big enough for you to go through." S061: "You are at the corner of a walled graveyard. Walls connect to the south and east, and mist hangs over the sky like a prowler. A chill runs through your back." S062: "You are in a large crevice in a well. Small amounts of water trickle down the sides. Exit can be reached to the north." S063: "You are in a dark maze." S064: "You are in a very dark tunnel. The tunnel heads to the east, while a hole in the ceiling allows exit from the darkness." S065: "You are in a tunnel of extreme darkness. You can barely make out exits to all directions except up and down." S066: "You are in a damp maze." S067: "You are in a dank maze." S068: "You are in a very long tunnel streaching endlessly to the east and west. Your feet ache as you walk down it." S069: "It is big, ugly, and slimy." S070: "You are in a dreary maze." S071: "You are in a maze." S072: "You are in a devlish maze." S073: "The are blocking the east passage." S074: "Bunny Room" S075: "Outside Graveyard" S076: "It is bolted to the east wall." S077: "You are in a very cramped corridor going north/south. A lever is set into the west wall. The lever seems to be pretty worn from use." S078: "It is rusty, but useable." S079: "It looks a little too wormy to be edible." S080: "It looks nice and juicy." S081: "It is fairly shiny." S082: "It has some writing on it." S083: "It does not have any ink." S084: "It is rough and tarnished." S085: "It is burning fairly slowly." S086: "Many are old and rotted, and some which are blank make you shiver." S087: "You see nothing unusual." S088: "Though it has no life in it, it looks shallow enough to cross." S089: "It is lifeless and stale." S090: "There are enough of them." S091: "It looks extremely vicious for its small size." S092: "It looks pretty bony." S093: "It looks at you with an unnerving gaze." S094: " Sorry, no hints are available at this time." S095: "**** Story file header **** " S096: "*** Interpreter header *** " S097: "*** Orignal README from the QBASIC version by Jason Dyer ***" S098: "*** Notes about the Inform port by Patrick Kellum ***" S099: "AGAIN" S100: "AGAIN" S101: "G" S102: "BRIEF" S103: "SUPERBRIEF" S104: "VERBOSE" S105: "INVENTORY" S106: "INVENTORY" S107: "I" S108: "LOOK" S109: "LOOK" S110: "L" S111: "OOPS" S112: "OOPS" S113: "ATTACK THE DRAGOB WITH THE SWORD" S114: "OOPS DRAGON" S115: "QUIT" S116: "SAVE" S117: "RESTORE" S118: "RESTART" S119: "SAVE" S120: "RESTORE" S121: "SCRIPT" S122: "SCORE" S123: "SUPERBRIEF" S124: "LOOK" S125: "SUPERBRIEF" S126: "BRIEF" S127: "VERBOSE" S128: "UNSCRIPT" S129: "VERBOSE" S130: "BRIEF" S131: "SUPERBRIEF" S132: "VERIFY" S133: "VERIFY" S134: "$VER" S135: "VERSION" S136: "WAIT" S137: "WAIT" S138: "WAIT" S139: "WAIT" S140: "WAIT" S141: "Z" S142: "The following are abbrevations for moving around." S143: "N" S144: "S" S145: "E" S146: "W" S147: "NE" S148: "NW" S149: "SE" S150: "SW" S151: "U" S152: "D" S153: "Be sure to read the "Special Commands" section for additional commands." S154: "FONT" S155: "HINT" S156: "HINT" S157: "INTRO" S158: "NOTIFY" S159: "NOTIFY" S160: "NOTIFY" S161: "PREFS" S162: "Be sure to read the "Basic Commands" section for additional commands." S163: "Action Location Value " S164: "*** What made it into the port ***" S165: "GO TO STREAM" S166: "*** What didn't make it into the port ***" S167: "*** What I added to the port ***" S168: "Release 0 / Serial number 97xxxx" S169: "Release 1 / Serial number 970226" S170: "Release 2 / Serial number 970315" S171: "Release 3 / Serial number 9703xx" S172: "*** NOTE ***" S173: "" S174: "[Press any key to continue]" S175: " " S176: "The Night of the Vampire Bunnies" S177: " Made by Jason Dyer " S178: " " S179: "[Press any key to continue]" S180: "read" S181: "send message" S182: "apply 'ofclass' for" S183: "recreate" S184: "destroy" S185: "copy" S186: "copy" S187: "" S188: "name" S189: "create" S190: "recreate" S191: "destroy" S192: "remaining" S193: "copy" S194: "call" S195: "print" S196: "print_to_array" S197: "drinkable" S198: "legible" S199: "animate" S200: "absent" S201: "clothing" S202: "concealed" S203: "container" S204: "door" S205: "edible" S206: "enterable" S207: "general" S208: "light" S209: "lockable" S210: "locked" S211: "moved" S212: "on" S213: "open" S214: "openable" S215: "proper" S216: "scenery" S217: "scored" S218: "static" S219: "supporter" S220: "switchable" S221: "talkable" S222: "transparent" S223: "visited" S224: "workflag" S225: "worn" S226: "male" S227: "female" S228: "neuter" S229: "pluralname" S230: "before" S231: "after" S232: "life" S233: "n_to" S234: "s_to" S235: "e_to" S236: "w_to" S237: "ne_to" S238: "se_to" S239: "nw_to" S240: "sw_to" S241: "u_to" S242: "d_to" S243: "in_to" S244: "out_to" S245: "door_to" S246: "with_key" S247: "door_dir" S248: "invent" S249: "plural" S250: "add_to_scope" S251: "list_together" S252: "react_before" S253: "react_after" S254: "grammar" S255: "orders" S256: "initial" S257: "when_open" S258: "when_closed" S259: "when_on" S260: "when_off" S261: "description" S262: "describe" S263: "article" S264: "cant_go" S265: "found_in" S266: "time_left" S267: "number" S268: "time_out" S269: "daemon" S270: "each_turn" S271: "capacity" S272: "short_name" S273: "short_name_indef" S274: "parse_name" S275: "articles" S276: "inside_description" S277: "play" S278: "Pronouns" S279: "Quit" S280: "Restart" S281: "Restore" S282: "Save" S283: "ScriptOn" S284: "ScriptOff" S285: "NotifyOn" S286: "NotifyOff" S287: "FullScore" S288: "Inv" S289: "Take" S290: "Drop" S291: "Remove" S292: "PutOn" S293: "Insert" S294: "Transfer" S295: "EmptyT" S296: "Give" S297: "Show" S298: "Enter" S299: "GetOff" S300: "Exit" S301: "VagueGo" S302: "Go" S303: "LMode1" S304: "LMode2" S305: "LMode3" S306: "Examine" S307: "LookUnder" S308: "Search" S309: "Unlock" S310: "Lock" S311: "SwitchOn" S312: "SwitchOff" S313: "Open" S314: "Close" S315: "Disrobe" S316: "Wear" S317: "Eat" S318: "Yes" S319: "No" S320: "Burn" S321: "Pray" S322: "Wake" S323: "WakeOther" S324: "Kiss" S325: "Think" S326: "Smell" S327: "Listen" S328: "Taste" S329: "Touch" S330: "Dig" S331: "Cut" S332: "JumpOver" S333: "Tie" S334: "Drink" S335: "Fill" S336: "Sorry" S337: "Strong" S338: "Mild" S339: "Attack" S340: "Swim" S341: "Swing" S342: "Blow" S343: "Rub" S344: "Set" S345: "SetTo" S346: "WaveHands" S347: "Wave" S348: "Pull" S349: "Push" S350: "Turn" S351: "PushDir" S352: "Squeeze" S353: "ThrowAt" S354: "Tell" S355: "Answer" S356: "Ask" S357: "Buy" S358: "Sing" S359: "Climb" S360: "Wait" S361: "Sleep" S362: "Consult" S363: "parse_input" S364: "AskFor" S365: "Look" S366: "GiveR" S367: "ShowR" S368: "begin_action" S369: "end_turn_sequence" S370: "author" S371: "Credits" S372: "select" S373: "Score" S374: "Jump" S375: "Lower" S376: "Raise" S377: "Empty" S378: "Soak" S379: "Water" S380: "Read" S381: "Verify" S382: "Version" S383: "InvTall" S384: "InvWide" S385: "GoIn" S386: "LookFree" S387: "InventoryFree" S388: "Font" S389: "Hint" S390: "Intro" S391: "Manual" S392: "Preferances" S393: "Statusline" S394: "emblazon" S395: "maxhints" S396: "hints" [End of text] [End of file]